2002 Certificate in analytic group psychotherapy: The Post Graduate Institute, New York, NY.
1989 Certificate: Focusing Trainer: The Focusing Institute. Spring Valley, NY
1990-1994 Psychoanalytic Training: American Institute of Psychoanalysis, New York, NY.
1987-1989 Study Group. Leader: Stephen Mitchell PhD, supervising analyst, William Alanson White Institute. NYU Post Doctoral Program, New York, NY.
1986-1988 Study Group, Leader: Nathan Schwartz- Salant PhD, Director, Foundation for Research in Jungian Psychology New York, NY.
1979 Master of Social Work Hunter College School of Social Work, New York, NY.
1972- 1974 Doctoral Studies in English and American Literature; The Graduate Center of CUNY, New York, NY.
1969 Master of English and American Literature, New York University, New York. NY.
1966 Bachelor of Arts (Honors) McGill University, Montreal, Canada.